Details on transition
ransfer to another secondary school after the fourth grade is possible and is successfully mastered by our students. We often receive very positive feedback on the independent work, social skills and exceptionally good presentations of the former Monte pupils.
The teachers will discuss with you how a good school career can be achieved for your child.
Is Montessori denominationally bound?
No. Naturally, our Christian culture is taught. We also talk about other world religions and basic ethical principles.
Is Montessori ideologically bound?
No. Montessori education originates in the work of Maria Montessori, who strived for child-centred education.

Is Montessori a question of money?
Difficult question. There is a competing public educational offer that is “free”. So it already requires a certain commitment to send one’s children to a Montessori institution that costs “extra”.
One can now think long and hard about how to eliminate this injustice (e.g. with “education vouchers” for parents who could then send their children to an institution of their choice) – but one can also consider what things are important in life. In general, finances should not be an obstacle and at any time students with reduced school fees attend our school. Please contact us so that we can look for possibilities together.
Is Montessori elitist?
No. According to various sources in the internet, the British Princes William and Harry also went to a Montessori school – but that doesn’t mean that Montessori is only for princes. On the contrary, you might have to see it as a possibility to have your children educated here at the school in Herzogenaurach just as well as the Queen does with her grandchildren.
Is Montessori better than other schools?
Well, in discussions of this kind, the truth is often in the eye of the beholder. For committed Montessori parents Montessori is better than everything else, for committed Rudolf Steiner parents it is the Steiner schools/Waldorf schools and for the local school president it is of course “their” school.
It is of course difficult to approach this neutrally – and yet it has been done: In an article published in early October 2006 in the extremely renowned scientific magazine “Science”, two American scientists investigated whether there really is a difference between Montessori children and other children. What is particularly interesting in this case is that the comparison was made between children who all wanted to attend a Montessori institution, but were unable to do so for reasons of space. A well comparable group of children. The result speaks for itself: In the areas studied, the Montessori children never did worse, at least equally and often better.
For copyright reasons we cannot put the original article online, but for your information we would like to refer you to the homepage of one of the authors of the article. And of course we are bound to the Bavarian curriculum. Only the way of teaching knowledge is different.
Is Montessori international?
Very much so! There are Montessori schools all over the world, even in exile in Tibet (The Dalai Lama is a big Montessori fan!). For many parents who have to be mobile for work, this internationality is especially important. The school systems of different countries (or different federal states) sometimes differ considerably. However, those who place their children in a Montessori school can be sure that at least the educational methods are very similar everywhere. This makes a change of school easier for the children.
Are Montessori students unworldly?
No. This question is often asked, packaged in this or a similar way. This is probably due to the fact that in Montessori pedagogy, children are allowed to follow their interests and thus learn the things that interest them at the moment. Non-Montessorians, however, like to dismiss this kind of learning as “I do what I want” learning. This is probably where the prejudice comes from. In this context it is interesting to know that, for example, both the founder of the Internet bookstore and the founders of Google were Montessori students. These gentlemen are certainly not completely unworldly.
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Questions still open?
We certainly are not able to answer all questions in detail here, but you are welcome to ask us personally.