Maria Montessori: Kinder sind anders
For the author, the education of the child also means the self-education of the adult to self-discipline and tolerance and respect for the child’s personality.
Maria Montessori: Grundlagen meiner PĂ€dagogik
The basics of Montessori pedagogy in brief form.
Claus-Dieter Kaul: Die 10 WĂŒnsche der Kinder
C. Kaui impressively describes the wishes of the children, which they have for us educators and how these can be realised comprehensively within Montessori pedagogy.
Rebecca Wild: Mit Kindern leben lernen
Being to educate. Educating children begins with the adult. Instead of bringing up and moulding our child according to our own ideas, we should try to see the world from our child’s perspective and let ourselves be touched in our lives as if we ourselves were standing at the beginning all over again.
Jesper Juul – Elterncoaching: Gelassen erziehen
Children do not need perfect parents, but they do need parents who are like lighthouses: Mothers and fathers who offer them orientation and who respectfully fulfil their responsibilities in the family.
more books
Jesper Juul – Nein aus Liebe
Klare Eltern – starke Kinder
Jesper Juul – “PubertĂ€t”. Wenn erziehen nicht mehr geht
Gelassen durch stĂŒrmische Zeiten
Ulrike Kegler – Lob den Lehrer/innen
Wer Beziehung stÀrkt, macht Schule gut
Remo H. Largo – Schuljahre
Der “Anwalrt der Kinder” (FAZ), stellt in der Bildungsdebatte endlich das Kind selbst in den Mittelpunkt und fragt, was fĂŒr eine Schule unsere Kinder brauchen.
Remo H. Largo – Lernen geht anders
Bildung und Erziehung vom Kind her denken..
Alexander Mourot
Das Prinziop Montessori – Die Lust am Selber-Lernen
Sönke Held und Tanja PĂŒtz
Montessori – EinfĂŒhrung in die PĂ€dagogik Maria Montessoris
Data protection note: Clicking on one of the videos opens a new window on
Further education
Neben den regelmĂ€Ăigen Elternfortbildungen finden Kurse der Akademie Biberkor an unserer Schule statt:
Montessori Diploma Course
The Biberkor Academy will again be offering a Montessori Diploma Course in Herzogenaurach from summer 2023: Kurse Diplom-Lehrgang Basis an der Montessori Akademie ( This in-service course is suitable for educators, teachers and anyone interested in comprehensive education.
Knowledge about how people learn is changing, becoming increasingly differentiated and confirming time and again what Maria Montessori recognised over a hundred years ago. Participants will be given the opportunity to learn how to learn in a new way.
Montessori Barcamp
Networking and exchange are two important aspects in professional development. Especially for Montessori educators it is not always easy to find suitable training formats and exchange opportunities outside the usually small colleges. Although there are some providers of Montessori diploma courses, these are often intended for beginners, with fixed topics, and are usually uninteresting for teachers who have already been working in Montessori institutions for several years.
However, we would also be happy to exchange ideas with non-Montessori schools on this day. Our common aim is to make good school for the students. We can learn from each other and present successful projects. A Barcamp is the ideal setting to enable an exchange away from predefined training formats.
The term un-conference is often used, because the participants become participants and thus active programme designers. Ideas can be discussed, tasks brought along can be worked on and questions can be asked. At the beginning of each Barcamp, the planning of the day is designed and coordinated together. A session takes place as soon as enough interested people have registered for a topic. The results are documented and shared with all Barcamp participants.
The motto of the Barcamp is “School of the Future”. How do we want to deal with the topic of “digitalisation” in Montessori education? What does this mean for schools in general and for Montessori institutions in particular? What needs to change? What are we already implementing successfully and what about our school concepts?
In contrast to this is the Earth Child Plan developed by Maria Montessori. Here, the adolescent students are supposed to go out into the world and become active in agriculture, handicrafts and similar activities. We would also like to offer an exchange platform for this topic. Because many schools are still in the process of developing and evolving in this field and not everyone has to reinvent the wheel.