Help me to do it myself!
This is the guiding principle in Maria Montessori’s educational concept. In order to develop its personality, the child needs an environment that supports its desire to learn, its joy of discovery and its urge for independence. The adults accompany the child, but must not restrict its self-activity. This requires a high degree of patience as well as trust in the abilities of the pupils.
Help me to do it myself. Show me how to do it. Don’t do it for me. I can and want to do it alone.
Maria Montessori
We support the acquisition of knowledge and the personal development of our students to the same extent. In doing so, the study periods alternate with practical education in life and training. In the secondary school, too, the majority of lessons are held in mixed-year classes.
The practical life and training education takes place within the framework of the “School of Social Life”. This school of social life imposes very special demands on the teenagers. Their living and learning environment is taken into account in everyday school life. An important component is the activity in the student company, which requires responsibility, teamwork and result orientation from the teenagers in their daily work.
Foreign languages
In addition to English, we offer Spanish as a second foreign language. As Spanish is also offered as a second foreign language at MOS Franken, our students are well prepared for the upper school.
All-day classes
At the Montessori School Herzogenaurach there are currently two open all-day classes in the 5th/6th grade, two bound all-day classes in the 7th/8th grade and two bound all-day class in the 9th/10th grade (as of 2024/25).
In the secondary school, there are sports and technical activities as well as subject-specific in-depth phases with individual differentiation. On Fridays, the all-day class ends at 11:45 am. The all-day class is a school offer and the pupils commit themselves to attendance with their registration.
Details on the all-day class
- Times: Grades 5-6 Monday and Wednesday until 1:00 p.m. (optional until 3:30 p.m., then mandatory), Tuesday and Thursday until 3:30 p.m. as compulsory schooling, Friday according to the timetable. After 3:30 p.m. and on Fridays, the additional care can be attended for a fee up to and including the 6th grade.
- Grades 8-10 Monday to Thursday until 3:30 p.m. as compulsory school time, Friday according to the timetable.
- Pedagogical aim: Implementation of the school of social learning on the basis of the Erdkinderplan. The special needs of teenagers in the difficult transitional phase from childhood to adolescence (11-16 years) are to be better met in concrete work in nature and in challenging projects than in conventional school lessons. The all-day school gives teenagers the time to implement this form of learning.
- Rhythmisation:
- by alternating individual and joint learning and living in different social contexts
- by alternating between guided and open phases, and between external and
- self-determination
- by alternating periods of tension and relaxation, alternating intellectual and practical activities (which we combine in context as far as possible).
- Zuverlässigkeit:
- through regularity and reliability of processes and structures
- through fixed reference persons and fixed room offers
- through the team structure
- through collective presence