Care and catering

Montessori Pedagogy to the End

In addition to the all-day school, we offer care by our teachers after the school in our FreiRaum and on Fridays.

Lunchtime care

from the end of school until 2:00 p.m.

  • Pedagogical objective: Continuation of the Montessori pedagogy. Alternation between individual leisure activities and guided activities.
  • Exchange with the teachers
  • Procedure: Common meal in our canteen. Free play, if possible outside.

Additional care for all-day class
(Grades 1-6)

Monday to Thursday: after school until 4:30 p.m.
Friday: after school until 3:30 p.m.

  • Pedagogical objective: The students are in the additional care during the time when there are no lessons. They can participate in free play or projects.


In the all-day classes, the students spend the school day together until 3:30 p.m. or 4:00 p.m.: They work together in the morning and afternoon as a class and have lunch together. And of course there is also time for play and relaxation.

In contrast to the all-day class, attendance is not compulsory in the day care. Accordingly, students from different classes come together, eat together and play. Outside if possible.

Example 1 Lunch time care:

  • Student does not go to the all-day class and is to be cared for after school at 1:15 pm until 2:00 pm and needs lunch. In this case, the booking of lunch care is a prerequisite for both on the required days.

Example 2 All-day class:

  • Student goes to the all-day class and needs lunch. This is possible within the framework of the all-day class without further care. If the student is to be looked after after the end of the all-day class after 3:30 p.m., the additional care for the all-day class can be booked.

Catering mission statement

We focus on four essential aspects in our catering mission statement: health, sustainability, appreciation and economic efficiency. The Montessori School Herzogenaurach has a modern preparation kitchen and offers the students a full meal every day. The range includes two menu lines in two different portion sizes, including a vegetarian option. In cooperation with a regional food provider, lunch is freshly prepared by them every day and delivered to our school. Sparkling water as well as still water is available to the children and teenagers during the entire school day.

In the 2017/18 school year, our school successfully participated in the one-year school coaching project on the topic of school catering from the Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry. We implemented the guidelines of the German Nutrition Society and review them at regular intervals. We also participate in the school fruit and milk programme. A family atmosphere during lunch is just as important to us as the shouldering of responsibility by each individual. Students are responsible for laying the tables, fetching the food and distributing it fairly, and leaving the cafeteria clean.

Hot Lunch

We offer a tasty lunch freshly prepared for our school. Lunch can be booked on a fixed day basis with the contract. This is only possible in combination with the booking of the lunchtime care or the all-day class. If you do not book a hot lunch, please provide your child with a cold lunch. School camps and project weeks are already deducted from the lunch calculation, no further reimbursement will be made. Meal changes are possible until the 10th of the current month with effect from the following month.

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