Network and supporting association

Designing the future 

Learn. Life. Future. is our Montessori promise. This year our Montessori-Nordbayern focus is on ‘future’. But what exactly does that mean? 

Our students` preparation for the future is not limited to one year but happens continuously every day. They learn to understand the world, take on responsibility for their actions and are committed to a better world. ThatÂŽs why we started the FREIDAY this year. We established every Friday as a project day for our two grades 5&6. Here various groups deal with the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations. So, the students provide the homeless with food, tea and blankets, they build a biotope, or they create information material to save the seas. Also, in different grades, young people temporarily work on our own property for ecological cultivation or design future in a variety of other actions such as tree planting campaigns. 

For us, future also means standing up for democratic values. That takes place at school, the class council or through the student council. And on the street: When claiming our rights at the rally of the Council of Free Schools in Munich – because the fair financing of the private schools is important for our future. 

Membership in the Montessori Association of Northern Bavaria

Learning. Living. Future. meets Fascinated | Together | Powerful

All members of Montessori Nordbayern – from the kindergarten to the technical secondary school – are united by a common promise and a common set of values. In exchange we work on the further development of our pedagogy, the current hygiene plan and the representation of our interests in politics. For us, teamwork does not end at the school gate.

Support Association

The Montessori Support Association Herzogenaurach e.V. is responsible for the set-up, running and financial support of the school. Since the amendment of the statutes in March 2016, the full-time board of directors has been responsible for the management of the Support Association and is the contact for all administrative questions as well as contractual matters and finances. The board is controlled and advised by the five-member voluntary administrative board.

A large general meeting is held once a year. It is desirable that all families whose children attend our school are members of the Montessori Support Association.

Administrative Board

The Board of Directors is elected by the members at the General Meeting.

Board of Directors 2024 (from left): Andreas Wagener, StĂ©phanie Geyer, Max Geißendörfer (Deputy Chairperson), Francesca Diekmann (Chairperson) and Benjamin Richter.


  • 1993   School founded
  • 2001   Bau des PrimarstufengebĂ€udes
  • 2010   Start of grade 5/6 with the aim of obtaining a secondary
    school leaving certificate
  • 2014  Move into the extension building
  • 2016  Change of statutes


Senior Citizens’ Advisory Council Herzogenaurach
Alliance for the Family Erlangen-Höchstadt

Association of Montessori Northern Bavaria
Education, Nature and Environment Foundation of Sparkasse Erlangen

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